About Us
The Cochranville Fire Company is a 100% Volunteer organization that provides fire
protection for the Village of Cochranville and the surrounding communities. The company
responds from one station with a total of eight pieces of apparatus. All of our equipment and
apparatus are bought and paid for through fundraisers, like our carnival and the car show.
We proudly serve around 10,000 people in the area of about 50 square miles. Our first due
response area is mainly rural, however we provide mutual aid to Chester County, Lancaster
County, and parts of Maryland and Delaware.
History of Station 27

Our First Apparatus, a 1932 La France Pumper in
front of the barn that served as our first firehouse, Circa 1946
front of the barn that served as our first firehouse, Circa 1946
The idea of establishing a fire company in Cochranville began with a fire on February 2,
1945, which destroyed an auto repair garage, and ice cream shop, and some apartments in
the center of the Village. This disaster, which could easily have cost the community several
other buildings as well, convinced a number of individuals that a local fire company was
essential. With the advice and assistance of fire company representatives from neighboring
communities, these individuals solicited funds, constructed cisterns, and obtained a charter.
With the signing of that charter by twelve local men on February 5, 1946, the Cochranville
Fire Company was born.
Within the next year, the new company obtained both a temporary fire house, a barn and a fire engine. The barn and a 3/4 acre plot of land was bought for $1,375. The engine, a 1923 American Lafrance pumper, was purchased from the Coatesville West End Fire Company. For the next fire years this pumper, with no cab, a chain drive, and two-wheel brakes, would be the sole apparatus in Cochranville. To build a new fire house and obtain needed equipment, the fire company began a tradition in the summer of 1946 by holding the first Cochranville Fire Company Carnival. Ever since then, the carnival has been held during the last weekend of July and the first weekend of August. In late 1949 the barn was dismantled and construction of a new firehouse was begun on the site. The first company meeting in the new building was held on February 9, 1950. In a little more than five years, the company was able to pay off the mortgage.
As the population and needs of the community increased, the company added newer and more sophisticated equipment. The first brand new apparatus the company bought was a 1951 Ford Pumper. The pumper had a 500 GPM pump and a 1000 gallon tank. In 1956, another new pumper was bought with the same specs. Due to the remoteness of water supplies in the area, the company bought a 2,600 gallon tractor trailer tanker in 1959. This tanker would be replaced in 1968 by a new 3,500 gallon Ford Tanker. With the purchase of a new brush truck and a new engine the cycle of updating apparatus continued. New innovations in apparatus and equipment will keep appearing and so will new trucks to keep us up with the times.
Within the next year, the new company obtained both a temporary fire house, a barn and a fire engine. The barn and a 3/4 acre plot of land was bought for $1,375. The engine, a 1923 American Lafrance pumper, was purchased from the Coatesville West End Fire Company. For the next fire years this pumper, with no cab, a chain drive, and two-wheel brakes, would be the sole apparatus in Cochranville. To build a new fire house and obtain needed equipment, the fire company began a tradition in the summer of 1946 by holding the first Cochranville Fire Company Carnival. Ever since then, the carnival has been held during the last weekend of July and the first weekend of August. In late 1949 the barn was dismantled and construction of a new firehouse was begun on the site. The first company meeting in the new building was held on February 9, 1950. In a little more than five years, the company was able to pay off the mortgage.
As the population and needs of the community increased, the company added newer and more sophisticated equipment. The first brand new apparatus the company bought was a 1951 Ford Pumper. The pumper had a 500 GPM pump and a 1000 gallon tank. In 1956, another new pumper was bought with the same specs. Due to the remoteness of water supplies in the area, the company bought a 2,600 gallon tractor trailer tanker in 1959. This tanker would be replaced in 1968 by a new 3,500 gallon Ford Tanker. With the purchase of a new brush truck and a new engine the cycle of updating apparatus continued. New innovations in apparatus and equipment will keep appearing and so will new trucks to keep us up with the times.