
Ford C-900/Young - 27-1

Canopy tilt-COE, 1000 gpm, 1000 gallons, First canopy cab ordered by the company. It was housed on 09/16/72. It has a 534 CI gas motor, 290HP, 5-speed manual transmission, 2.5 KW generator new water tank in 1985. It was involved in an accident in 9/14/82 with Atglen's 1965 International/American LaFrance pumper while responding to a call. It was repaired and placed back into service. Atglen's truck was destroyed. It happened at night when Atglen's pumper was pumping at the time and Cochranville's pumper sideswiped because it lost it’s brakes going down a hill. It went off the road into a ditch and landed against a tree sustaining $20,000 in damages. Three firefighters were hurt. It was sold in 11/2000 to Company Two Fire Apparatus of Snellville, GA. Finally sold in mid 2002 to the North VFC, SC.

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